Xat Chat Rules

* No advertising. (2hr ban)
* No spamming. (1hr ban)
* No complaining about your problems, do that somewhere else. (30min ban)
* No disrespecting moderators or admins. (1hr ban)
* No posing as other people. (12hr ban)
* No inappropriate pictures or videos. (1d ban)
* Don't be annoying. (Like begging someone to do something when they already said no) (30min ban)
* No giving personal information (Yes, your name is allowed, but don't tell your address, school, phone... etc.) (5d ban)
If any of these actions are repeated, the duration of the ban will be extended.
Email me if you're interested in being a moderator, my email is: Fantagepaw@gmail.com (If you spam me, I'll block you.)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Yeah yeah... I know :(

I will be trying to update the color of this blog soon, but I sorta lost the ORIGINAL photos... So It's gonna be hard. I will see if I can get them back.

Don't expect it to be really soon. Sorry...


Hey! :D

Yay no school for me today, It's snowing like crazy. Woohoo! Last time it was snowing like crazy too, and it was really cold, they still didn't cancel school. I guess they were waiting for someone to get frost bite. :c I hope no one did. Be safe, and wear your coat, gloves, hat, and scarf! :D (Only if it's snowing for you!) 

DO YOU KNOW HOW GREAT IT FEELS JUST TO CHILL, I HAVE BEEN SO PRESSURED WITH SCHOOL! I'M SO HAPPY! :D I know we get breaks on Saturday & Sunday BUT teachers always give you extra work because you have a break. But they didn't know if they were gonna cancel school, so teachers didn't give us ANY WORK! 

Saturday, February 20, 2016


I'm so sorry guys, I have been away for awhile. I no longer play Fantage,  gave my account to Rebecca's little cousin. :)

I will still be posting, but just remember, I have been EXTREMELY busy! I cannot post every single day now. :( My 3rd best friend is going to help me I hope, so stay tuned. :)

I promise you guys, in the summer, I will post more. :)

Thank you Monica for posting, I see you chose a winner already, alright contact me and we'll talk about that. :D

Please forgive Rebecca too, I know how busy we both are with school. T-T
Thank you everyone for not getting on to me that much. ;c
