Xat Chat Rules

* No advertising. (2hr ban)
* No spamming. (1hr ban)
* No complaining about your problems, do that somewhere else. (30min ban)
* No disrespecting moderators or admins. (1hr ban)
* No posing as other people. (12hr ban)
* No inappropriate pictures or videos. (1d ban)
* Don't be annoying. (Like begging someone to do something when they already said no) (30min ban)
* No giving personal information (Yes, your name is allowed, but don't tell your address, school, phone... etc.) (5d ban)
If any of these actions are repeated, the duration of the ban will be extended.
Email me if you're interested in being a moderator, my email is: Fantagepaw@gmail.com (If you spam me, I'll block you.)

Monday, June 29, 2015

._. Merp??


Heyy, how ya doin guyys. :D (You can tell me in the comments if you'd like. If you're not so good, I'd be glad to help get you better. :) )

If anyone is wondering (Mostly nobody is, but you gotta remember, there are still people who are.) the sites overall views is very low, that means I'm doing a very bad job on posting. Anywayys, there is 2027 views in total. Yes, in total. That's not a lot considering that I've had this blog for more than 2 months. (Less than a year, but still!) Maybe I need more posters, but there is no one I can trust to post. So if you want to be a poster than how bout you get ta know mee. Who knows? I might even give you my account. JUST KIDDING. I am not that stupid to give my account to a stranger or someone online. Because If I give it to someone online and they steal everything or like hack it, I wouldn't be able to beat them up. :( I'm giving it to Rebecca's cousin, Angie. Shes little, almost 8. :) So just don't ask for it.

I want to thank Foxy and Monica for helping me so much with this blog. They're awesome.

KeyTheMonkey is Foxy's xat username, shes a moderator, but I'm going to ask her if she wants to be an admin, cause shes doing AWESOME. Foxy is away, and she will be back soon, hopefully.

Monica Thompson is Monica's  google+ name, shes a poster and gives out accounts, when I added her, I checked my page views and it sky rocketed, all thanks to her. :) (Not just when I added her, when she posted.) Monica hasn't posted in 2-3 days, she will be posting Rebecca's video this week (Video #3) Because Rebecca was very nice 
(and a bit lazy too) to let her have this opportunity.

2 reasons why I didn't mention Rebecca doing a good job is because, first, I can tell her in person, second being fully honest, she hasn't been doing so good because she IS busy and she CANT always be on. Look, shes doing really really good in soccer, and all she wants to do is practice, and when I call her and ask her why she hasn't been on for so long, she gets real crabby, because It's another thing she has to cram into her list. When she isn't busy, she wants to rest and do what she wants. But once in a while she does post, and that's really awesome, so you all should thank her by commenting on her posts, liking it, and making her happy for posting. Shes taking her precious time to post when she doesn't even want to.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Weekly Video

     Hi this is Rebecca and Monica will be doing the weekly video this week. Video #3. 

My member account contest

Hey guys! I just wanted to say soon the contest will be over so make sure you enter to get my memeber account

Morning. :)

Hey peeps, morning. :D Make sure to check the contest post, either under this post, on the contest tab, or both. :) It's going well pretty far, yesterday 3 people entered, and it was the first day I posted about it. So I guess I'm doing really good. So far. --- I just came back to this post like an hour after I started writing it, I got too engulfed in other things on the internet. :p I wonder if anyone is even reading this. :I It would be weird if no one was. So if you are reading this, just drop a single Hi or whatever you'd like, something simple, just so I know you're there, because I sorta feel like I'm typing to no one and just putting out posts for like only 2 people. :/ Thanks, :D. Eventually I know people will start coming on. :) We just need to get the right people to help get other people so other people could get more right people to help advertise. So would you be a dear (deer), and advertise, just for the sake of them and this website!

I know, the site is called Fantage Paw, and deer don't have paws, but the slogan is "Home for all the animals of Fantage." so it just works. :D So if you would like to advertise, please do! (If you want to advertise on Fantage, it only works if you put "Fantage paw dot blogjj spot dot cjjom" So just copy that and paste it into the Fantage chat box, and fire away! :D Omg thanks so much! I thank every single one reading this very sincerely! If I could give every one of you a wish I would, but I cant, so boohoo to this world. :) Tootlie tootles. (Just kidding) Bye!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Art Contest!

Hey guys, It's Brooklyn! today Rebecca came to my house, we did fun things, but we also discussed about the art contest. So I think today would be the BEST day to hold this contest. So here is the form. EVERY SINGLE DETAIL ABOUT THIS CONTEST IS IN THE FORM TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SO MAKE SURE TO READ IT! Even the theme of the contest is in it. When you go to the terms and conditions, make sure to find "CODE: ARTCON1" so you know you're looking at the right terms and conditions. :)

Terms & Conditions


These are the terms and conditions for the art contest:

I will not complain about the art contest prize, and I will acknowledge that this contest is mostly for fun. If I win, I will post any item I wish on MyMall for 500 gold. Blossom01937 will buy it. If I want the item back, she will post it again, and I will buy it. I will post another item for her to buy, it will be for 500 gold. I know that the artworks will be displayed best to worst. I know that Blossom01937 will email me back on the email I provided for her while filling out the form, she will tell me what place I came in. When I send my artwork, I am only aloud to post up to 3 artworks before the deadline. (Deadline: August 26, 2015. 12:00 PM) I will not complain about the deadline. And I will watermark all my artworks, or put my signature on it. I will not send any inappropriate images. I will include my Fantage name, Xat name, or/and Google+ name while filling out the form. I WILL NOT STEAL ANYONE'S ARTWORK. I KNOW THAT BLOSSOM HAS AN IMAGE SEARCHING TOOL, AND IT SEARCHES EVERY SINGLE WEBSITE FOR THE IMAGE, IF SHE FINDS THE ARTWORK I SUBMITTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE, I WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! I will make sure to wait until the contest ends to post my artwork on any other website. If I break any of these rules, I give Blossom the permission to disqualify me.

Have a question? Go to the "Contact Us" tab on our website. (Fantagepaw.blogspot.com)

Theme of the contest: Draw a picture of a summer based image in Fantage form. (Fantage characters doing something in summer. Some thing like that, feel free to change it up, as long as it includes Fantage art, and summer.)

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Does anyone know how to show certain widgets only on certain pages, I want the xat chat box on the home page and of course, the xat page. (Not any other page) I've searched so much, but for some reason, the html code everyone gives doesn't work.

Sorry about that!

for the huge contact form on the home page, I linked it to the contact us page, but all the posts, even if they are on different pages, show up in the home page no matter what page they are on.

Contact Us


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

New Things :D

Heeyy Blawesome peeps, did you notice what I changed up? First of all I made pages!

When I was done, I put the header in the middle using a css code. (If you want the code email me at fantagepaw@gmail.com, or just tell me in the comments and I will give it to you)

The Header:
Then I did the same to xat chat, I put it in the middle too, also using a css code. (Same thing, if you want the code email me, fantagepaw@gmail.com, if you spam me I will block you, or just tell me in the comments and I will give you the code)

Xat Chat:
After that I put the rules right under them and told them how long the ban would be for the thing they did.

Xat Chat Rules:
Most of you probably already saw that stuff. Anywhooo.. I made all of the blog posts wider. And added this really cool recent post thing! The code I used to put that on my website isn't mine (If you want the link to the website to put that on your website email me, fantagepaw@gmail.com, or tell me down in the comments, I will give you the link.) It's a widget by the way..

Top 5 Recent Post Thing:
Okay, bye, I hope you all have a very very good day, if not, I hope your day gets better, and if It's already 11:59 AM, and your day still never got better, I hope it gets better tomorrow or the day after that, then the day after that, and so on! :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Just wanted to say... :(

I'm quitting this blog..
Just kidding! :D

What I really wanted to say was:
Just because I don't post 24-7 doesn't mean I'm not there! ;) Oh and sorry for not posting today. :( I get lazy most the time. x( It wont happen again. :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

My Kiosk!!!

                                                       My Kiosk!!!

Hey Guys Monica here,  So today Im gonna show you guys my kiosk just in case you wanna buy from it. It is floor 49... Room 2.... And the kiosk number is, 49B-7 

Heres a picture:   



Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to say that I have not cancelled the art contest I had two people emailing me about it. The contest will be held at some point in time. I don't say things I won't do. :)

If ANYONE reading this has any ideas for the blog, please share them with me, It would really help this blog progress. :) If you don't want anyone else to hear your idea for any reason, email me your idea, my email is, fantagepaw@gmail.com (If you spam me, I will block you). I will be glad to tell people you gave me the idea, if you want me to.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Soccer! Oh and Fantage.

Hey guys! How ya doin?

So I cancelled my membership for Fantage because soon I will be giving the account Blossom01937 to Rebecca's cousin frtom her dad's side, Angie. I will tell you when I gave it to her so you wont think It's me.

Are you bored? Do you like soccer? (Girls)

Go to:

And watch this soccer match happening right now, live, Canada vs Switzerland!

2 New Accounts

              Hey People, Me Monica again I tried out these accounts and they work!!!

First one-

U: angelxair
P: angelair1

U; Aldrianap 
P: deadprincess123 

Thank You Bye 



Saturday, June 20, 2015

Meet Us On Fantage!

Hey Guys Monica Here! Just wanted to say that you can meet us in Pastel Porcupine on Fantage.com on June 20 2015. Also my account is for trade lilywolf123454 if you want it i want a rare non plz, cause mine is a RARE  non

                                                                           Thank You

                                                                                                     - Monica

I'm back

Hello everyone this is Rebecca and I am sorry I couldn't post anything accept for the weekly videos i was just really really busy and didn't have time. But I'm back.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Welcome, Monica.

Hey guys, as you've seen, we have a new poster and her name is Monica. Make sure to make her feel welcome, and comment on some of her posts, after all, she is giving you guys free accounts. :D By the way, when I said the contest would come out earlier than I was going to have it, i don't mean in this week or next week. It will still take time to put it up, so don't expect it anytime soon.


Hey Guys! Monica Here, so I said I would post soon. So I decided Im gonna give you guys 2 accounts today! So heres the first on, 

U; puppy1772 
P; cindy7 
rare non! 


U: mablepower 
P: dipper12 
( dont judge I liked gravity falls )


                                                                                         Thank You!


Thursday, June 18, 2015

New Owner


                            Hey Guys! Its Monica Here, Im a new owner. I will be posting accounts pretty
                      soon, Please be nice if the accounts are banned or dont work please come to me and
                       I will remove them. Please dont throw a fit, in the comments or I will disable them.

                                                                                                        Thank you

More to know about the upcoming contest!

Hey, sorry for the late post. But I want to tell you a little more about the upcoming contest, thanks to KeyTheMonkey / FoxyGaming <Xat and Google + name> she helped me put this contest together more by giving me an amazing answer to my conflict. Thanks to her, the contest will be put out earlier.


1. The contest is an art contest, and It's mostly for fun so I wont be giving an amazing prize.
2. The prize will be 500 gold. Just post ANYTHING on Trade N Sell for 500, and I will buy it.
3. You must send your entries to my email. When you send them in include your Fantage name, xat name, or Google + name.
4. You can only send up to 3 artworks.
5. All of the artworks will be displayed no matter how ugly, unless you don't want it displayed.
6. They will be displayed by best to worst. I will be emailing you back on the account you sent it from to tell you what place you were in.
7. When I say there's a deadline, there's a deadline!
8. No complaining about how long it is, and you want the contest to end earlier.
9. I need everyone to watermark their images or atleast put their signatures on it.

Break any of these rules and you will be disqualified.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My drawing

Heyy Blawesome peeps. Do you like what I drew? I drew it in school about 2 months ago. Since I was in school I forgot how Rebecca's bear hat was so I just drew how I remembered it. Sorry to you Rebecca. She really liked it though, I think she looks prettier than me in the picture. :) (It's our Fantage characters) OH, sorry about my messy handwriting. :c

Yeah, it was lined paper. ._.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Commenting isn't that hard. :)

Text is too small? Zoom in the page with Ctrl or copy to Notepad and increase the text size.
Guys and gals, if you would comment I promise I would respond to every single one as humanly as possible. (Meaning as fast as I could, not as fast as a robot could.) If you have a question just post it, I will respond. (It won't take more than 2 days for me to respond as long as I'm not on a trip.)

I want to personally thank these people:
FoxyGaming <Google+ name> KeyTheMonkey <Xat username>
Madi Larson <Google+ name> singer12329 <Xat username>

They stay up to date with everything I post and always comments if they have a question.
(Dont be shy to ask anything) If you want to ask something privately, email me: Fantagepaw.blogspot.com (If you spam me, I will block you) You can talk to me too, It's not just questions. I dont bite. I scratch! Kidding. I'm very friendly especially to strangers. Also, If you see Rebecca online you can ask or talk to her too. Her email is: aaminh778@gmail.com and her name on xat is Rebecca, she's an admin there. She will respond to your comments, but she is very very busy with soccer, so she usually posts and comments in the morning. Not in the afternoon or night. I post and comment in the morning, afternoon, and night. Well byye!!

Another contest... far from now.

Well. I just posted the winners for the contest. Congratulations to them. :). Me and Rebecca are organizing another contest, but lemme tell you this, it won't be happening anytime soon. It's going to be a hella easy contest with some fine prizes (Actually not that good). But guys, I want to tell you that this contest is for the fun of it. But I know if I don't include prizes no one will join. So... yeah. This contest isn't for the views, I just want to enjoy some of the art works you guys can make. DON'T START MAKING ART WORKS NOW, I HAVEN'T EVEN DISCUSSED THE THEME. The theme will be discussed when the contest comes out. :D Enjoy your summer!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Winners of: Contest: 40,000 Gold & 6 Month Membership

First girl winner:

Strawberry2299 <Thats her Fantage username and xat name>
(She never sent me a picture of her avatar)

The second place winner is KeyTheMonkey. <xat username> and she will get the account if strawberry2299 deletes her followers. 

Hasan553 <Thats his Fantage username, his xat username is walkindead, blast_it_boy888 or hasan>

The second place winner is Jacob_Studio <xat username> and he will get the account if hasan553 deletes his followers.

The account is officially hasan553's. :) Congrats.

Congratulations to these 2 winners, thanks to everyone who participated. These winners will each get a NEW account supplied with forty thousand gold and six months of membership! If you see Strawberry2299 or walkindead on xat or Fantage, make sure to be nice and not mean because they won. Be a good sport. Bye. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Enjoy the new summer theme!

Rebecca's Weekly Fantage Video #2

Hello. I almost posted from Brook's account on blogger because I am at her house and she was signed in. But now that I am on mine I can post my weekly fantage video.

Last time the weekly fantage video was posted by Brook on purpose because I left her house before it was uploaded. We upload it from we video and it takes longer to upload.

Here is the video and the links are under. The video is from YouTube but there is a link for we video if it does not work.

Rebecca's Weekly Fantage Video #2 (YouTube)
Here is the link to video num. 2

The link to video num. 1

Subscribe to my channel for video contests.


Soo, I just finished editing the video, It's uploading to YouTube, Dropbox, and We-video. I'll give you the link when It is done.

Heyy! :-*

Hey everyone I'm back I miss all of youu, maybe not all.. but most of you! So I checked the one blog post by Rebecca (I thought it was Rebbeca. x.x) and she said she made the weekly video. But since she didn't show the fish fish thing, we had to start over, and now that we've started over there is no fish fish booty, instead there's a rabbit hole XD. :( Yeah. So she just completed it, again. And I will work on editing it i think today. So ilysm guys and see ya reaaal soon!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I made the video

I made the weekly video, but Brook is not here to edit it.
Shes going to be here tomorrow because that is when she comes out of camp.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Byee D':

I'm going to Ceder-point today with almost my whole grade, and the camp. So I WILL NOT be able to post in a very long time. D: :'c :( I'll miss you guys. Ily! Byee!


Thursday, June 4, 2015


Guys, another contest is coming up. :) So imana  tell you guys the day before it happens.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Heyy! If anyone wants to be in a YouTube video with me to sponsor my website, then leave a comment telling me. (Scroll all the way down there the comment section is!) I know, It's no biggie, but it wouldn't hurt! Well, bye byee n.n! Have a greeeeat day, I mean it. :)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Meet me in Fantage!


Hey It's 3:52, come meet me on Fantage.

3:52 - Monday, June 01 2015

Ruby Rhino

Top Models Inc.


Tell me if you see me, I'll be waiting. (And I'll be playing fashion shows.)


Summer Contests

In the summer there is gonna be so many contest! :D So make sure to join my site or follow me to know when they come out, because they end quickly. ;)

Love ya. :-*
